Plan a Leap Day event
Trying to coordinate a
Leap Day Baby Birthday Event?
And don't even know where to start?
We have some helpful hints below...

Decide first if your party is for Leap Day Babies only, or if it will be open to the general public since Leap Year Day is everyone's extra day. You can do the latter and have the cake and ice-cream portion be just for the Leapies that showed up. Each Leapy can wear a special badge or button to make it easy to identify them. But decide your guest list first so you'll know what direction you're going, and so you will be prepared to answer the questions you will inevitably be asked by the media.
•Contact ALL local media: News Stations - Radio Stations - Newspapers - Local TV Shows National Media, to let them know what you are doing, i.e., planning a Leap Year Day Party, looking for others born on February 29, celebrating our extra day and getting ready for the next Leap Year.
•Contact local businesses to see who will be honoring the day with discounts or free meals!
•Put notices up at the city Library, Super Markets, wherever notices and postings are welcome.
•Contact your local schools to find out if any of them are celebrating Leap Year in any way.
•Contact the local children's museum to find out if they are doing anything special for Leap Year Day.
•The City, local Businesses and the Media are often looking for things to do so don't be shy. Contact your Community Centers, your Chambers of Commerce, Visitor Centers and local attractions. They are usually wanting a reason to get people into their business location. See if someone will Sponsor your event!
•For larger parties, it is a good idea to go to your local Visitor Information Center and get on the area's Events List. DO THIS EARLY so you make it in the publication. You might even contact Visitor Centers in your surrounding area to get on their list as well. They may benefit from visitors attending your event and will be happy to include you.
•Find businesses that are willing to promote Leap Year Day and their business at the same time! Leap Year can be a great promotional tool for businesses and organizations. A lot of them just don't know it... yet!
•There is helpful information on this web site. There are many pages here with great information about Leap Year that you may use. Copy and Paste; quote us; give out our email and web addresses, you have our permission. We are happy to talk to anyone that wants to talk to us.
•We want to promote your event the best we can. But we need you to keep in contact with us in order for us to do so. The more you inform us, the more we can promote you and your event. Keep us posted on what your plans are. Just send the details in an email to Raenell. Be sure to include any fees and all details.
•If you have ideas that are not on this list please do share them with us. Our readers will appreciate it.
•For children's parties, check out some of our other web pages on this web site. With the information on these pages, you can put together a pretty cool and fun party for children. Be creative, and have fun.
Check out what other parents are doing here at the Kids Party Page!
The Jump Rope Rhyme and other fun Leap Day Poetry
You may use the images on our site to make your own invitations and cards or whatever. And if you
print them out in color book mode, the children can color their own. All the brightly colored artwork is by Nancy Lucas. You may use her images, but please credit her:
Copyright Nancy Lucas -
There are two stories listed in the LEAPzine that are for children. You may print them out to read or to pass out to the guests.
We are unable, right now, to produce the products in order to sell them to you. But we feel it is important the children have access to this information and learn about Leap Day in a fun positive way.
Please let us know if you do anything with our images. If you do, all we ask is that the artist is credited and our web address is on the item, like this: Copyright Nancy Lucas
If you are able to send us a copy we would appreciate it. We will add it to our archive, and credit will go where credit is due. Please send it to:
4405 Panther CT NE
Keizer OR 97303-2424
If you'd like to share your party plans with us please email Raenell.