Your Hosts - Peter and Raenell
FAQ: How are Raenell and Peter related?
Answer: By Leapification (check glossary here)!

Peter (Leap Day 1956) is a Leap Year Day Baby who started a website celebrating his birthday in April 1997. Six months later, he combined efforts with Raenell and the Honor Society was born.

Raenell (Leap Day 1960) started the birthday club for 2/29ers in 1988. Back then it was Leap Year Babies Limited. In 1997 she merged her site with Peter's to become the Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies. She is the principal editor of leapyearday dot com. She started a birthday club in 1988 called Leap Year Babies Limited. In 1997 she partnered with Peter and they merged into the Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies. Check out her Leap Year-by-Leap Year bio here.

Nancy, inspired by the birth of her Leap Year Day baby grand daughter, Caroline, wrote "The Peacock's Promise."
She is the water color artist who did all the water color on our site.