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is presented to you by the
Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies

Our mission is to promote Leap Day Awareness by accumulating knowledge about the day, and people's experience of the day.  In particular, we want to:


  • Celebrate everything related to Leap Year Day.

  • To advocate that Leap Year Day be named in dictionaries and on calendars... if Ground Hog Day is on the calendar... why not Leap Day? If New Year's Day is capitalized, why not Leap Year Day? 

  • Chronicle issues people born on Leap Year Day face due to lack of knowledge about the day.

  • To advocate (on behalf of all people born on Leap Day) to websites and businesses that don't accept February 29th as a valid birth date.

This last point is a particular nuisance to a large percentage of the approximately 4 million people in the world born on Leap Year Day.  Internet websites are notorious refusers of birthday recognition to people born on Leap Year Day.


People born on Leap Year Day can encounter even more frustrating date related disrespect with regard to birth certificates, banking, insurance forms and government documents that don't accommodate February 29th as a birth date.

We believe the only way to improve these conditions is to promote Leap Year Day Awareness to as large an audience as possible. We have resources here for kidsparentsteacherscomputer programmers and more! is edited and produced by Raenell Dawn and Peter Brouwer, both born on Leap Year Day, cofounders of the Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies, and determined celebrators of everything Leap Day!


It is a volunteer effort, that is supported by donations of time and talents, merchandising efforts, and revenue from advertising on the site.

The Honor Society of Leap Year Day Babies is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

The Honor Society members are also voices for Leap Consciousness. Modern-day culture has lost the connection between humankind's keen interest in chronology,  the seasons, and Leap Day. In response, many of our members have reached out to journalists, trying to understand what makes us so special.  We all have a story to tell and to share.


Other services we provide are a birth family search service for people who are searching for somebody born on Leap Day, and which promotes Leap Day Awareness to the global internet.

Support Your Society

We have many contributors, cited where possible on these pages. If you have a Leap Day story to tell or have some Leap Day Knowledge to add or have a skill you wish to donate... please send us an email below.

Other support options...

- buy LeapGear in the LEAP THIS store.

- buy a Leap Day themed book and donate it to your local library.

Contact Us

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